Dear Customer,


This document outlines Cambion Electronics Limited responsibilities and management of the REACH legislation requirements. 

We are a manufacturer of Electronic and Inductive components, and do not produce or supply substances or preparations (we are a Downstream User). There are, additionally, no intentional emissions of substances from any of the products currently available for supply that require registration under REACH.

REACH (Regulation on Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals) refers to European Union Regulation No 1907/2006. The aim of REACH is to ensure a high level of protection of human health and the environment from the risks that can be posed by chemicals. All Cambion Electronics Limited products comply with the REACH regulations with the exception of those items containing cadmium plated components. Pb (lead) & it’s compounds has been added to the list on 27th June 2018. A statement advising of the presence of Pb in our products that utilise ‘free machining’ brass alloys or Pb based solder coatings will accompany this REACH declaration.
While the vast majority of Cambion Electronics Custom Products are also RoHS and REACH compliant, please note that certain specifications as requested by our customers may not be compliant and we can advise customers on RoHS or REACH compliance issues if there is any uncertainty.

This document certifies that all Cambion Electronics Limited products or packaging (except those mentioned in the preceding paragraph in bold) complies with the regulations. Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) as defined in Article 33 (1) & (2) “Substances of Very High Concern” EC Title VII, Chapter 1 Article 57, or any of the additional substances from Annex XVII or the Revised Candidate lists of;

21st January 2025

The Candidate List of Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC's) for authorization is available from the internet site link:

Additionally, after careful review of the legislation and specifically the definition of an “article” as defined in EC Regulation 1907/2006, Title II, Chapter 1, Article 7.1(a) & (b), it is Cambion Electronics  Limited view that the products we sell would be considered as “articles”. However, in light of the definition in 7.1(b) which requires registration of an article only if it contains a regulated substance that “is intended to be released under normal or reasonably foreseeable conditions of use,” our analysis is that our products constitute non register-able articles for their intended and anticipated use.

Stephen Bellew
Quality Assurance Manager

21st January 2025

Download a copy of this statement   

Download additional Pb (Lead) Statement as per SVHC list 

Head Office:

Cambion Electronics Ltd., Mill Lane, Castleton, Hope Valley, Derbyshire. S33 8WR. United Kingdom

, Tel: 01433 621555, Registered in England and Wales, Company Registration Number: 00703283