Christmas 2024

John Loots

Cambion move to EV


Happy Easter from all at Cambion.

We are closed Friday March 29 and re-open 8am April 2.

Wire Wrap Pins

Product Discontinuation Notice.

Wire wrap construction became popular in the 1960s/70s principally for the Telecommunications industry. Since this time crimping and soldering have become the most common methods to secure wires in electrical/electronic applications, and with the advent of surface-mount technology made the wire wrapping an expensive technique in comparison, consequently, volumes have seen a major decline over the decades. Additionally, it has become more and more difficult to obtain spare parts for older machines the Wire Wrap Contacts are manufactured on which has led to the decision to decommission these machines in Q2 2024.

The culmination of the above unfortunately means Cambion Electronics Limited hereby give notification that its machined range of wire wrap contacts and associated products will be discontinued, this stated Cambion will accept last time buy orders at the prevailing MOQs up to 31st March 2024, after which any residual stock will be retained, and orders will be accepted up to stock quantity until 30th September 2024.

Download Notice


Low Gold - Pins and Sockets

Christmas and New Year

Electro Mechanical

Non Magnetic Interconnect

Cambion Charity 2023/24

A Canary Fairy Story

Electronica 2022 Day 1

Polygon Pin

Cyber Essentials

Download Certificate

Obsolescence, it’s the future

No Fax

Zero to Landfill

EN 9100

Download the certificate

Zero to Landfill

Download Certificate 



Head Office:

Cambion Electronics Ltd., Mill Lane, Castleton, Hope Valley, Derbyshire. S33 8WR. United Kingdom

, Tel: 01433 621555, Registered in England and Wales, Company Registration Number: 00703283